Clara Verona Peterson born April 23, 1917. Married Obed Franklin Lindgren, August 2, 1936. Died July 5, 1970.
Verona was the mother of three sons, Bruce Franklin (1940), David Charles (1943), and Steven Obed (1949).
She graduated Red Oak Iowa High School and attended the University of Wyoming.
Verona, her husband and family lived in Richfield, Minnesota, where she was active in her church and with the public schools. A number of observers thought she should have been a School Board Member given her extensive experience in the local and state PTA organizations. Unfortunately, women were not encouraged to run for public office at the time.
She was warmly regarded as a “favorite Aunt” by nieces and nephews among both her Lindgren in-laws and Peterson sisters Pauline Carlson and Eleanor Wenstrand; and brothers Samuel “Sam” and Wesley “Wes.”
Verona’s parents The Peterson’s of Red Oak Iowa were Charles Oscar Peterson and Clara Amelia Mainquist Peterson. Grandpa Peterson was an operator of a grocery store and then a Conoco service station in Red Oak. Losing the grocery store during the Great Depression prompted Grandma Pete (Amelia) to start baking out of their home for extra income. Once the home based enterprise achieved some success, she took it to the next level and opened a wonderful bakery, HOME BAKE SHOP, just off the “square” in Red Oak. A highlight of family gatherings in the large Peterson home at 1211 Corning Street in Red Oak was breakfast with delicious caramel rolls from the bakery. Every meal was a production and never without magnificent pies for dessert.
Verona’s tragic death in July of 1970 was the result of ovarian cancer. Following surgery, on March 18, she received several rounds of full body radiation therapy. She died much too young and her grandchildren lost the enormous love she would surely have given them.