The marriages of Amy and Lizzie Johnson to the brothers Frank and John Lindgren now lead to many fascinating connections that will add rich narratives to these pages. Some of this history has been captured, but much remains. Our ancestors include many from Sweden and, of course, those who emigrated from Sweden to form new families in the United States. One of our most treasured photographs (below) includes Fredrika Swenson, who bore the children of Göran Swenson. One son, John Peter (J. P.) Göranson took the name Johnson in America. J. P. married Johanna Dorothea Burman. In Sweden, Johanna would have been Andersdotter following her father Andrew Burman. In America, she adopted the surname Burman.

1. Edith Burman Roos | 11. Alice Burman | 22. Ida Castenson |
2. Hannah Main | 12. Esther Renquist | 23. Esther Johnson Rohden |
3. Martin Main | 13. Sophie Burman Carlson | 24. Lizzie Johnson Lindgren |
4. Nellie Johnson Anderson | 14. Nellie Main Youngdale | 25. Frank L Johnson |
5. Matilda Burman | 15. Dan Main | 26. John A. Burman |
6. Christine Renquist | 16. Obed Johnson | 27. Emil Renquist |
7. Fredrika Swenson | 17. Amy Johnson Lindgren | 28. * |
8. Clara Main | 18. Hannah Burman Eklund | 29. * |
9. Johanna Castenson | 19. Albert Renquist | 30. young girl* |
10. Johanna Dorothea Johnson | 20. Hannah Renquist | 31. * |
2l. Ed Castenson | 32. J.P. (John Peter) Johnson |
* These unidentified people must be three sons-in-law – J.A. Renquist, John Castenson and John Main – and the daughter of one. The fourth son-in-law was John Burman (#26).
Notes on the original photograph: Written in pencil on the back – “1892”. Written over this, in ballpoint pen (later), are the names of those in the photo, in Gene (Regina) Dickerson’s handwriting (Amy Lindgren’s daughter). Married names are given for some of the girls. Four people are not identified (see asterisks). Some names were damaged by glue used to hold the photo in an album. Gene’s siblings Irene and Roy helped identify these in 2004.
There many details to add to our pages and connections as we move forward with the adventure of developingn this website.
The Johnson’s oldest Daughter, Esther, married Emil Rohden and they had six children:
- Omar Rohden
- Delphi Rohden Anderson
- Melville Rohden m.
- EdithDorothy Rohden Priem
- Oliver Rohden
- LaVerna Rohden Brindle
Lizzie Johnson married John Lindgren as documented elsewhere.
Frank I. Johnson married Esther Carlson and they had five children:
- Roland Johnson
- Pauline Johnson Wood
- Eleanor Johnson Russell
- James Johnson
- Rosalie Johnson Ortmeyer
Amy Johnson married Frank Lindgren as documented elsewhere.
Obed Simon Johnson married Vida Lowrey and they had two children:
- James Waldemar Johnson
- Johanna Dorothea Johnson Riegel
The youngest child, Nellie Johnson, married Ernst Anderson and bore no children.