Aunt Gene Dickerson, as indicated by Pat Heath her daughter, began painting as a pastime after she retired. The painting shown on this POST is one of many Gene produced and we would like to see more from her artistry and the collection Pat has in her home collection in Tulsa. Aunt Gene, my father Obed’s oldest sister, was thoughtful and generous to give Verona our mother, and Obed one of these wonderful canvases. We are grateful that Gene put the hours of work needed to produce it and then share it with our family. As I would expect from Gene, like many artists, they often say it is the love of their work that drives them and not necessarily the appreciation shown by those that view the art. We hope to see more of Gene’s work in future weeks and months as methods can be found to get copies onto I knew Aunt Gene from gatherings in Fort Dodge and other reunions over the years and also visited their home in Dayton, Ohio. I knew Gene to be a Gardner like daughter Pat, who by the way is a certified Master Gardner, but I didn’t realize Gene had the artistic background in painting until I was shown this painting in our parent’s home in Richfield. I also knew that Gene, like her daughter Pat were educators, both in Home Economics. Again, thanks Pat and Gene for this wonderful gift.