This page and its links will convey the story of our ancestors. Sources are many and greatly appreciated.
Jonathan Lindgren Coss, son of Ruth (Lindgren) and Dr. James Coss, undertook extensive research of our Swedish heritage. He continues to contribute through new research using contemporary tools and through his role as an editor for this website. Jon’s sister, Linnae Coss, has maintained, edited and disseminated many family records as well as supporting the continuation of the Round Robin.
Irene (Lindgren) Lessing traveled to Salt Lake City to consult the Church of Latter Day Saints’ repository. She also traveled to Sweden and collected information and photographs of our ancestral home(s) in the village of Hamneda, which is in the province of Smaland. Irene’s efforts are collected in a Family Album, which is now preserved and protected by Steve Lindgren.
Richard “Dick” Lindgren, MD, has maintained important connections with our relatives in Iowa and maintains records of both the Lanyon School and the Mission Covenant Church of Lanyon, Iowa. He, too, has traveled on several occasions to Sweden for research into both the ancestry of Peter Gustav Magnuson and Ingrid Johansdotter, as well as the Swedish progenitors of the American Johnson family.
Our double second cousin, Dr. James Carey, assembled information on his grandfather, John Lindgren and our great grandparents Peter Magnuson and Ingrid Johansdotter.
Documents are being prepared as PDF files that will be available for download. Anyone interested in progress should contact Bruce, Dave, or Steve Lindgren. Information is available on our contact page.
Genealogy Table
This table is a PDF file. You can open it in your browser’s window or you may down load the file for viewing in any PDF reader. This is an active document and members of the Lindgren’s web team will be adding detail to the file as well as links to relevant pages of people connected to the Lindgren Family. Accordingly, it will be well for visitors to return and download the most recent version.
Demography Tables
Dr. James Carey, son of LaVerna Lindgren Carey, is a professor at UC-Davis and has studied, and published on, longevity and biodemography. These tables are an extension of his interest, personally and professionally in what he calls Family Demography. Several tables were prepared by Carey from data provided by family members. These tables should be viewed as works in progress. Most of the data used has been verified, but we welcome notification about any elements that may need correction or further work for verification. We are also working to prepare short descriptions for each of the principal family members; parents and children of the families. For site visitors interested in a model or template for what we anticipate for each of the families below, please examine the “John-Lizzie-Lindgren_Demography.” This is Dr. Carey’s family and is the most complete. For more information, please contact site administrator, Bruce Lindgren.
Ancestry Charts
Pedigree Chart

Obed Simon Johnson

Vida Maud Lowrey Johnson

Frank August Lindgren

Cousins Table