Uncle Emory (Em) and Aunt Ruth were missionaries in the territory of Alaska in the 1940s and 1950s. Alaska did not became the 49th state until 1959. Two books were written by Emory about their experiences. The books were encouraged by Emory’s brother, Dr. Roy Lindgren. Unalakleet AK is located on the West coast, next to the Bering Sea about 145 miles from Nome, AK and 380 and 400 from Anchorage and Fairbanks respectively. It is mainly accessible by air. The mission in Unalakleet was established decades before 1940. Competition for the belief systems of Native Americans (Inuit) between Catholic Priests and the missionary’s of two protestant sects was described by Emory.

First published June 15, 2020; updated December 27, 2020