Amy Johnson Lindgren was a remarkable woman born in the nineteenth century and living through the dramatic changes of the twentieth century with equanimity born of confidence and faith. She survived and thrived for over a century. She died at age 103.

What follows are photographs of the John Peter ( J. P.) Johnson & Fredrika Swenson families and relatives.

1. Edith Burman Roos | 11. Alice Burman | 22. Ida Castenson |
2. Hannah Main | 12. Esther Renquist | 23. Esther Johnson Rohden |
3. Martin Main | 13. Sophie Burman Carlson | 24. Lizzie Johnson Lindgren |
4. Nellie Johnson Anderson | 14. Nellie Main Youngdale | 25. Frank L Johnson |
5. Matilda Burman | 15. Dan Main | 26. John A. Burman |
6. Christine Renquist | 16. Obed Johnson | 27. Emil Renquist |
7. Fredrika Swenson | 17. Amy Johnson Lindgren | 28. * |
8. Clara Main | 18. Hannah Burman Eklund | 29. * |
9. Johanna Castenson | 19. Albert Renquist | 30. young girl* |
10. Johanna Dorothea Johnson | 20. Hannah Renquist | 31. * |
2l. Ed Castenson | 32. J.P. (John Peter) Johnson |
* These unidentified people must be three sons-in-law – J.A. Renquist, John Castenson and John Main – and the daughter of one. The fourth son-in-law was John Burman (#26).
Notes on the original photograph: Written in pencil on the back – “1892”. Written over this, in ballpoint pen (later), are the names of those in the photo, in Gene Dickerson’s handwriting (Amy Lindgren’s daughter). Married names are given for some of the girls. Four people are not identified (see asterisks). Some names were damaged by glue used to hold the photo in an album. Gene’s siblings Irene and Roy helped identify these in 2004.

The Johnson siblings with their school teacher, around 1884. (The original photograph is a tintype, printed on a thin metal sheet, about 2.5 x 3.5 inches.)
Children (L to R): Amy Johnson Lindgren (age 6), Frank I. Johnson (age 10), Lizzie Johnson Lindgren (age 13), Esther Johnson Rohden (age 14). Center: Hannah Johnson. Amy Lindgren’s daughter Aunt Irene identified the photo and provided the following information: The six Johnson children attended a one-room country school near Lanyon, Iowa, where one teacher taught grades 1 through 8. Such school photos, of the teacher with the siblings from one family, were customary at the time. The two youngest Johnson siblings are not in the photo – Obed Johnson (age 3) and Nellie Johnson Anderson (born 1887).
[Thanks to Linnae Coss for the photos and identifications. Identification of Teacher was established by a notation from Great Aunt Nellie Johnson Anderson as recorded by Uncle Roy.]
2 replies on “Amy Johnson Lindgren”
Today marks what would have been the 119th Wedding Anniversary of Grandpa Frank and Grandma Amy Lindgren.
Having reviewed a picture in the 100th Anniversary Book of Lost Grove Township and chronicled now in the Google Historical Record established by Dr. Jay Lindgren for use by the participants in building out this website, I am adding to this discussion the possibility the teacher identified above as Hannah Johnson might have in fact been Anna Carlson.